Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! It has taken me quite awhile to get it started, but with prayer, and the help and encouragement of friends and family, it is finally a reality. I'm sure I'll need some "how to" tips from a few of my blogger friends along the way and of course, we all need some encouragement from time to time.

Let me introduce myself, and the reason for this blog. My name is Peggy, but because this blog is all about spreading joy to cultivate hope, I thought it would be much more pleasant to receive a reply to an email from "Joyful Hope" (which is what I will go by on this blog). Having "Joyful Hope" in your inbox is just so cheerful, don't you think? Who wouldn't want a dose of Joyful Hope in their inbox?

Why this blog?

Well, unless we live in a protected bubble with little contact with the world around us, as we look around it seems much easier to see, hear and read about evil and badness everywhere, than it is to see the love and joy that is also around us everywhere. Somehow we've allowed the darkness to cover the light. Discouragement and hopelessness seems more common than it should be. We've all been a victim to it to some degree, and we can even begin to reflect the negativity that surrounds us.

I believe that spreading a little joy can help cultivate hope...Not just in others, but in ourselves as well.

Why me? Sure, I could list credentials; but the truth is, I'm no expert; and really, who is a true expert at life? None of us. We learn as we go. I personally feel most interested and inspired by those who have first-hand experience in particular situations. After going through a season which involved much physical and emotional pain, multiple losses and an endless supply of discouragement, it became even more apparent to me than before, that God never wastes a bad experience. We learn from them, grow from them, and praise God, He draws closer to us during these times when our faith is tested most. When we trust in Him, He will provide hope when things appear hopeless. He is the light in the darkness. "...in Him there is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5)

Here are a few areas He provides opportunities for me to feel joy (placed in no particular order):

  1. Music (both lyrics & melodies). It can lift me up and encourage me. I will share some of my favourites in later posts. 
  2. Motivational and inspirational words, phrases, poems and stories can resonate within me, instilling hope and courage. Every time I read the Bible for example, something new is revealed to me. I have many favourite authors.
  3. People. God has placed people in my life for both a season and a reason. I am so thankful for some whom I feel have been my personal angels, sent from above. Others, some of whom I've never met personally, have inspired me through the sharing of their first-hand experiences of overcoming adversity, showing courage and perseverance; while remaining hopeful and faithful. Others have touched my heart through their expression of love, generosity, courage and integrity.
  4. I happen to be an avid gardener and lover of nature. I get giddy when opportunities to capture the perfect wildlife photo or breath-taking, awe-inspiring scenery, presents itself. I feel great joy in these experiences, so expect photos.
So through my posts and interactions on this blog, my prayer is that God will bless this venue, that He will be glorified, that His light will shine wherever there is darkness, and by spreading joy, hope will be cultivated.

God Bless!

Joyful Hope

(Matthew 5:16)

© 2017 JOYFUL HOPE  


  1. Hi Peggy, aka Joyful Hope, I am delighted to be one of your first readers and commenters of your new blog. It is a fun journey and I know you will be such an encouragement to those who read your posts and follow along with you. I look forward to what you will share and the joy that will be spread through your thoughts and words. God bless you my friend! Here's to the journey of Joyful Hope. xoxo Pam

    1. And I am delighted you stopped by to read and comment so lovingly. XO

  2. Hi Peggy. I think Joyful Hope is a wonderful title! So glad to be here as one of your first followers and I look forward to you sharing your thoughts, insights, scriptures and; of course, photos! Have a wonderful time with this my sweet sister. Hugs. Bobbi

    1. So glad you stopped by! I pray the posts will be an encouragement to you, and many others. ((HUGS))

  3. Congratulations on your blogging endeavour! I love the name and I completely agree; all the hurt and fear and evil in the world is so all encompassing in this digital age that the despair can just eat at your soul. I look forward to spirits being uplifted!

  4. Thanks Carrie! Love that you stopped by! <3
